With winter in full swing, it’s about time you hone your snow clearing skills! When you have a gravel driveway, you need to separate the snow from the gravel to safely leave your home and avoid damaging your driveway and your equipment. If you have the proper skills and tools, you can clear the snow from the gravel efficiently and without doing any harm.

At Nova International, we don’t want the weather to keep you from your daily tasks. That’s why we’ve created the following guide with tips for clearing snow! Keep reading to learn more and give us a call if you have any questions or you want to check out some snow removal equipment for sale. We have locations in Windsor and Aylesford, Nova Scotia as well as Salisbury, New Brunswick. If you live in Atlantic Canada, we’ll happily help you with all your equipment needs!

Plan Ahead

The first thing you should do is plan ahead. We know you can’t always predict a storm. However, if you are expecting a small amount of snow, you can take some preventative measures in advance. Scatter some salt on the gravel since this can prevent the flakes from settling as well as stop the buildup of ice. Salt does so by lowering the melting point of the ice.

You can put salt down after it snows, but it won’t be as effective. If you don’t mind an eyesore, you can even put out tarps to protect the gravel. Remove them in the morning and you’ll have a clear walkway. 

Old Fashioned Methods

Depending on how much there is, you may be able to employ some old fashioned methods to remove the snow from the gravel. A shovel and rake may be all you need. A shovel can get to the deeper powder that has settled on your driveway. Remove the top layers and you won’t need to worry about hitting the gravel below. A rake can also help you get closer to the gravel without scratching the surface. The rake will break up the snow which will help it melt quicker. You may remove a little bit of gravel, but not too much.

New Machinery

If your home is hit by a larger storm, it may be time to invest in some powerful equipment. You can opt for a snowblower that will clear the powder from the gravel. If you can afford one, these machines can be super helpful! These machines are designed with augers, but be wary of models that are built to come in contact with the ground. This can ruin both your driveway and the equipment.

If you have a tractor, you can outfit it with the proper attachments to help with removing the powder from the gravel. A snow blade is an angled attachment that oscillates as it moves and remains in contact with the surace. If you opt for this attachment, you’ll need to only make one pass to ensure you don’t move too much gravel. You can also get a snow pusher. This boxy attachment has an open bottom and wide body that maximizes removal. The blade floats, meaning you can follow ground contours and bumpy terrain without damaging the attachment. That makes a snow pusher an ideal option. Fortunately for you, Nova International has a great selection of snow pushers!

We hope you found this guide helpful! Nobody wants to be sidelined by the weather. That’s why we’ll do whatever we can to help you take on the next storm. Contact one of our locations in Windsor or Aylesford, Nova Scotia and Salisbury, New Brunswick. We proudly serve those in Atlantic Canada, and we are here to make your life and work easier!